International Workshop on Field-Effect Transistors and Functional Interfaces
FET2014 brings together specialists in the field of material sciences on both organic and inorganic interfaces with van-der-Waals interaction, and it will aim at addressing in depth the fundamental physics of these systems, as well as discussing emerging material systems of interest. The format of the workshop is different from that of usual meetings and conferences: most talks will be sufficiently long to enable going into the details of the different topics, and the schedule will be arranged in order to leave plenty of time for discussion during, and in between the talks.
The workshop is succeeding six meetings of “OFET20xx” in which a similar format has been followed but with the topics only for organics (previous meeting were held in Leiden -2003; Baltimore -2006; Braunwald -2006; Sendai -2008; les Diablerets -2010; Princeton -2012). All these past events have been very successful, thanks to the quality of the presentations and of the discussions -lively beyond expectations-, much to the satisfaction of all participants. This time, with our diverse interest in emerging new material systems such as transition metal chalcogenides in the community after ten years, we thought it reasonable to include the topics on the van-der-Walls interfaces in general. Themes that we envision as being particularly relevant on this occasion will include: transport in organic semiconductors and van-der-Walls interfaces, ionic liquid gating, physics of field-effect transistors with new material systems, interfaces on transition metal chalcogenides (TMS). This time, the theme will be focused on organics on the first day and will be gradually shifted to other fields especially on TMCs.
Program is updated.
J. Takeya (Univ. of Tokyo), Y. Iwasa (Univ. of Tokyo), A. Morpurgo (Univ. of Geneva), and V. Podzorov (Rutgers Univ.)
Scientific Comittee:
J. Takeya (Univ. of Tokyo), Y. Iwasa (Univ. of Tokyo), A. Morpurgo (Univ. of Geneva), V. Podzorov (Rutgers Univ.), T. Takenobu (Waseda Univ.), and H. Matsui (Univ. of Tokyo)
Center for High-end Molecular Semiconductors